University Counsel

The Office of the University Counsel represents the Rector and Visitors of the Virginia Commonwealth University in all legal and regulatory matters and provides advice and counsel to the Board of Visitors, the President, executive officers, and other administrators, faculty, and staff in their official capacities.

The University Counsel and all Associate University Counsel are appointed by the Attorney General of Virginia. In addition to providing a full range of legal services to the University, they coordinate and oversee necessary resources of the Office of the Attorney General, and work with that office on the appointment and monitoring of outside counsel when needed to represent the University. For more information on the role of the Attorney General, please visit the Attorney General homepage.

The University Counsel and all Associate University Counsel are employed for the sole and exclusive representation of the Virginia Commonwealth University. Legal counsel and representation are available only on legal matters affecting University operations and interests.  

Disclaimer: This site provides general information about the Office of the University Counsel. Nothing on this site constitutes legal advice from the Office of the University Counsel, and the information on this site is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. You should always consult a licensed attorney, should personal issues arise.